Photography is a hobby for me. I own a Nikon D90 and shoot primarily with my Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1:1.4D lens. I have done a few shoots for friends, but nothing like a wedding. Weddings freak me out. I have no intention of pursuing that avenue of photography. However, a friend has asked me to shoot her daughter's wedding. It is small. A last minute get married before the baby gets here wedding. It is outdoors and only 30 people will be in attendance. I believe they are just looking for simple photographs and don't want to spend the money on a professional. I have been very honest and told her I have never done a wedding and that weddings freak me out. She seems to think I will be just fine for what they need and want. I am open to doing it since it is so small. Do I take it, having been completely honest with her? If so, what do I charge? I was thinking $250 just considering the amount of time will be spent both at the wedding and in editing.
Added (1).
Added (2). I will adjust my photography title from hobbyist to pro wanna be since I do desire to accept shoots that I want to do for a small amount of compensation.
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Should I accept an invitation to shoot a small wedding?