Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is Sony Alpha7 Camera cheaper in Thailand than in India?

I am planning to upgrade my camera from Canon 40D to a fullframe. Sony A7 fulfills my need as I am 5 feet tall petite woman who need a smaller and lighter camera than Nikon or Canon fullframe SLR cameras.
The price in India shows as MRP Rs. Rs 114,990 ($1904.75) with the standard 18-55mm lens in the Sony website which is very expensive for me. Even then, I have saved some cash aside for it.
I heard that in Bangkok electronics and cameras are much cheaper than in India, like almost half of it. So I am thinking what if I go to Thailand to just buy the camera and needed lenses? Is it a good idea? Will I save any money after including the flight ticket (which is cheap around $250 to and fro) and staying cost over there for at least 3/4 days?

Read more: Is Sony Alpha7 Camera cheaper in Thailand than in India?

How to acheieve these colors! Help?

see how these colors are more bold, id say matte and vibrant in all compared to most

I want to know how I can get my photos like this, whether it be my dslr or my editing software.

I use gimp for editing and I have a nikon dslr idk the exact number

just what id need to do to schieve these colors

Read more: How to acheieve these colors! Help?

What constitutes a wide angle lens?

the kit lens my D7100 came with, the 18 to 105, a has a wider angle than some of the wide angle lenses i have seen sold for Nikon, such as the 35mm for example

yet mine is not listed as a wide angle lens

so, is it all about the lowest mm, or is it more complicated than that as i assume it is?

Read more: What constitutes a wide angle lens?

Pentax k5 or nikon d3300?

Which should i get? No answers like… Whichever is better for your photography… Though I tend to take wildlife,landscape, and other pictures such as.sand castle or sea shells on holiday

Read more: Pentax k5 or nikon d3300?

Cheapest Nikon D7100 Price?

I'm looking to buy a Nikon D7100 BODY. I was wondering what the cheapest one is going for. It can be refurbished. Im looking for it to be around $850 or less. The cheapest I saw was $859 but im not sure if it is what it says it is. I know $850 is low for a camera like that I guess I could go up to around $900 but im just a student in school and saving up for one.

Read more: Cheapest Nikon D7100 Price?

What's the perfect camera for me?

I'm a little new to the filming world and I would like to know which camera would be the perfect fit for me. I've narrowed it down to nikon and candnon cameras, but I'm leaning towards Cannon because I've work with them more and I think it'll be easier to use them. I just need to know which model I should purchase. My budget ranges from $0-$900 depending on the model I wouldn't mind spending a little over $900. But I want to start making short films, nothing too professional, but something with quality if you get what i''m saying. Thing's that I would like in a video camera:
*great focus… Something that doesn't get out of focus to quickly
*pull out screen, so I can shoot from difficult angles
*interchangeable lenses
*high mega pixels
*nothing to heavy
*touch screen
I'm 16 years old and would like to pursue a career in media productions… I just need to know where to start. I hope i'm not being to broad, but I just need a great first quality camera. Thank's in advanced

Read more: What's the perfect camera for me?