Monday, November 2, 2015

Who to take portraits of?

I recently bought a Nikon d55000 and I have been taking a lot of photos but I'm really interested in taking portraits. The problem is I am living in a small town in
interior alaska for now. I'll be going home in a few months where I can photograph my friends and family but for now I have nobody to take pictures of. Is there a way I can practice portraits until then.

Read more: Who to take portraits of?

Hi! Slow motion app for macbook?

Shooting a slow motion video! I have a basic Nikon camera to shoot with and a Macbook. What is the best editing app to convert a regular speed video to slow motion? I want it to look really clear and crisp, but dont want to spend too much money either (nothing over $200). Thanks in advance:)

Read more: Hi! Slow motion app for macbook?

How to click a picture by nikon d60 in auto mode, keeping multiple subjects in focus?

Suppose you are taking a photo of 5 people standing side by side. The camera automatically focusses at a point. If the photo gets clicked in this mode, the face in focus remains sharp and the other things gets a bit blurred. I have tried it in totally zoomed out mode, but the result is same. How can I solve the problem keeping the cam in auto mode?

Read more: How to click a picture by nikon d60 in auto mode, keeping multiple subjects in focus?

Shutter speed changes automatically for different shots?

I'm currently shooting a short with a Nikon D3100. I shoot wide open with a shutter of 1/50 and have the camera set to manual mode for obvious reasons. I'm now looking back at the previous scenes I've shot and I noticed that some shots have motion blur (which is expected from 1/50 shutter) and other shots in the same exact scene have absolutely no motion blur at all. I'm looking at a person move their hand and there is motion blur followed by another shot where someone is moving their hand with no motion blur AT ALL. It looks like I shot it with completely different settings which makes no sense at all because I ALWAYS have it on manual with 1/50 and f1.8. Is this a common problem? Is there a factor I'm not taking into account? Is the lighting screwing with me? Is the camera mentally slow? I'm so confused right now and I was hoping someone might have a clue.
Added (1). It looks like as if I'm shooting 1/250 shutter when it clearly says 1/50.

Read more: Shutter speed changes automatically for different shots?