Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How to pause while recording on a Nikon D3200?

I'm shooting a video on my Nikon camera, and while I'm recording, I can't really pause. I can't seem to find a button, or an option for pausing too.
Thank you if you do help! ♡
Added (1). Are you sure? I was reading some things, and I swear I saw that you could.

См. статью: How to pause while recording on a Nikon D3200?

Any opinion on the Eye Fi Mobi SD Card?

I'm looking in to buying one for my Nikon D3100 and I'm wondering how they work for everyone else! Thanks!
Added (1). The Nikon D3100 is compatible with the Eye Fi and I know the pricing and everything. I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with them.


См. статью: Any opinion on the Eye Fi Mobi SD Card?

What lens for a Nikon D3100?

I've been shooting for a while with the kit lens (an 18-55mm AF-S). I've noticed that it has a bit of difficulty in low light and I could use more zoom. I'm on a really tight budget. Does Nikon make any lenses that are both zoom lenses and good lenses in low lighting? Thanks in advance!

См. статью: What lens for a Nikon D3100?

Rubber lens hood that works with Nikon's 85mm f1.8D?

I'm heavily considering adding an 85mm to my camera bag.

I do not like the fact that the lens's default lens hood (HN-23) is a metal screw on because I would not have all the time to do all that screwing on and off every time I take it out of my bag. I wonder why it's not rubber like the hood for the 50mm f1.8D.

I know that the lens uses a 62mm filter thread and that companies like Promaster make rubber lenses. I was wondering if I could use almost any 62mm rubber lens hood that won't vignette.

Any advice would be helpful.

By the way, the bodies I use are a Nikon D300s and a Nikon D300. Both are DX sensors.

См. статью: Rubber lens hood that works with Nikon's 85mm f1.8D?

Good Inexpensive Cameras For Skateboarding?

I used to have a little sony HandyCam. I didn't like it very much cause the quality was pretty terrible. I have about 200 dollars but I can probably spend up to 300 with my parents help. I want to get a good camera. I know a little about DSLR's. I know they are expensive but I don't need a brand new one. I would get a used one off eBay or craigslist. What are some good cheap DSLR's? I know about Canon T4i, T3i, and T2i. Those are still pretty expensive used. I want a camera with a good frame rate and records in 1080p or 720p. I don't know about Nikons but if there are any good ones please tell me.Is the GoPro Hero 1, 2&3 worth it? I will get a fisheye and other lenses but that is not in the price of the camera. I just need a good DSLR or another good video camera for 200-300 used. Body only. Please help me find a good one. Thanks!
Added (1). I know the majority of DSLR's aren't cheap.So don't tell me about any cameras in the thousands please. Again, I want the camera to be good for slow motion so it needs to have great fps. Also it needs to be good for recording long moving lines of skateboarding tricks. Thanks again!
Added (2). One more thing. I didn't like the specific HandyCam I had. If you think differently of a certain HandyCam then please tell me which one you have good experience with.

См. статью: Good Inexpensive Cameras For Skateboarding?

Rubber lens hood that works wth Nikon's 85mm f1.8D?

I'm heavily considering adding an 85mm to my camera bag.

I do not like the fact that the lens's default lens hood (HN-23) is a metal screw on because I would not have all the time to do all that screwing on and off every time I take it out of my bag. I wonder why it's not rubber like the hood for the 50mm f1.8D.

I know that the lens uses a 62mm filter thread and that companies like Promaster make rubber lenses. I was wondering if I could use almost any 62mm rubber lens hood that won't vignette.

Any advice would be helpful.

By the way, the bodies I use are a Nikon D300s and a Nikon D300. Both are DX sensors.
Added (1). Andrew: I don't mind the fact that rubber hoods are screw on because I can easily expand them and collapse them for my camera bag. The metal screw on I have an issue with because I have to screw it and unscrew it every time.

And no, the Nikon 85mm f1.8D does not have a bayonet mount.

См. статью: Rubber lens hood that works wth Nikon's 85mm f1.8D?

How to take action shots?

Hi have the Tamron AF 70-300mm F/4-5.6 Di LD Macro 1:2 Lens (Nikon Mount). I find that the auto focus is very slow and dragged out and have opted for manual focus.Is there anyway on either of these settings that I am able to get clear and sharp action shots of a live football game without the blur or noise? I am fairly new to photography so any links to tutorials, cheat sheets and tips would be greatly appreciated.

См. статью: How to take action shots?

Is a Nikon DSLR D7100 camera a good one for a beginner?

Is a Nikon DSLR D7100 camera a good one for a beginner?

См. статью: Is a Nikon DSLR D7100 camera a good one for a beginner?

Looking for a lens to compliment my 50mm 1.8 on nikon d300?

I have a great 50mm 1.8 for my nikon d300 right now. I'm noticing that I need to add something with a bit of reach to it. (An example being the super moon that just went by). I also don't have the steadiest of hands so either need vr or a very fast lens.My budget unfortunately is between 300-400$ and I've been scouring eBay but not sure what to look at. A prime… a zoom… a nikon… a sigma… a tamron… a tokina… lots of options but I need to get the best quality for the amount of money I have to spend at the moment. Thanks for any input.

См. статью: Looking for a lens to compliment my 50mm 1.8 on nikon d300?

Why My Nikon D5100 Won't Perform Auto Bracketing?

I follow the procedure, i.e. set my camera to P mode, click the information button, select "Auto Bracketing" in the information display, then I choose "AE1.0" from the list. Then I take photo, expecting three shots in the row will be taken. But my Nikon D5100 just takes one shot of the subject.It won't do three-shots-in-a-row function. Can you tell me what's wrong and how do I fix it?

См. статью: Why My Nikon D5100 Won't Perform Auto Bracketing?