Monday, October 26, 2015

D810 Low Light Perf?

I know this isn't dpforums but… Practically, how does the D810 perform in lowlight? I don't need some DXO number bs. Setting? Dimly-lit street/park. Just about while the sun is setting or towards the end of sunset. In that situation, how would a D810 turn out photos at ISO3200? What is the highest acceptable ISO? Thanks.

Read more: D810 Low Light Perf?

D810 internal video quality?

How is the internal video on the Nikon D810? I have considered getting an ATOMOS recorder along with a D810 but am still in the process of deciding. Thanks.
Added (1). Also, if answerable, does the D810 dual slot recording work well? Example: is it possible to record 14bit RAW photos to the CF slot for later editing and send a JPEG copy via Eyefi card to my phone for quick HD viewing? I have heard eyes doesn't work very well with some cameras. Thanks.

Read more: D810 internal video quality?