Saturday, December 13, 2014

How to reset the language on the Nikon D3300 camera?

How do I reset the language on the Nikon D3300 camera?

Read more: How to reset the language on the Nikon D3300 camera?

What's the difference in d3200 and d3100?

I want to get a Nikon d3200 because it's the camera I'm most comfortable using, and I know my way around it. They're a bit expensive for my liking. However, I found a Nikon d3100 for a much better price. Is there much of a difference between the two? I don't want to purchase a camera I won't know how to use.

Read more: What's the difference in d3200 and d3100?

Favorite wide lens in the $200-$300 range?

(thanks for your time to answer the question)

Read more: Favorite wide lens in the $200-$300 range?

Bridge camera vs SLR?

I want to replace my 10 year old sony SLR with something better quality (in low light conditions)! My main use of the camera is aircraft photography & Traveling pictures.
I am used to using the SLR and I like the versatility of being able to replace the lenses for different uses, however I really like the Super Zoom on bridge cameras, it is perfect for shots of aircraft that fly over my house (10000-20000ft).
My budget is £250 to a absolute maximum of £350. I want to be able to take pictures in low light condition (mostly dusk & early morning), without there being too much noise in the photo. Aircraft photography is a hobby so I want the camera to last me as long as possible without having to replace it as well as producing some high quality images I can post on Flickr and print out. As my last camera was a hand-me-down it was a nice starting point for me but the quality at night lacks, and it has a small zoom.
I found:

Read more: Bridge camera vs SLR?

How to upload a video to youtube?

I recorded a video on my Nikon D5100 and when i uploaded to my computer it came up as a. MOV file. YouTube wont accept the video, every time i try to upload it, it fails. How can i upload it?

Read more: How to upload a video to youtube?

Best starter DSLR camera?

I'm looking for a good starter dslr that won't destroy my bank account. Max is 600 with little room but I would like to spend less. If the difference between the $300 and $600 camera are Minimal I'm going to go with the 300 haha.

What I'm NOT looking for.

Size and weight aren't much of a factor, within reason obviously. Nothing 10 lbs and the size of a shoe box XD

The screen is less important. I care more about the actual picture quality when on the computer and ultimately printed if I get them printed.

Asthetics in general don't matter.

I care more about factors that can't be fixed easily by editing than things that minor editing can easily fix.

Bells and whistles that are cool, but just jack up the price and you don't really need

What I am looking for

The camera that has the best value. Obviously the 600 dollar camera will be better than the 300 dollar one, but is it really twice as good?

Interchangeable lenses is a must.

Mirrorles cameras are fine (i know I said dslr, but. Sorry XD)

interchangeable lenses is a must

Big emphasis Final product image quality

A camera I can grow with. Something that I won't outgrow in a year even if that.ears the camera is more complex and will take longer to learn.

thank you for your help! I have looked at nikon, sony, and canon so far. Just want to get experienced photographers advice with money as a factor which it doesn't seem to be on some of the "top 10" lists out there.

Read more: Best starter DSLR camera?

What should I do to get my start in photography?

I'm getting a Nikon D3300 for Christmas. I've been taking pictures with my dad's D300 for a while and he has some very high quality lenses that I have access to. These are lenses such as the 70-200 F2.8. I also have access to a 200-400 F4 and many others. My question is can I photograph for very cheap for someone? Is it legal? Could I charge like $10 for a day's worth of work? The only reason is to try to make the money back that the camera costs. Thanks so much for the help and have a Merry Christmas!

Read more: What should I do to get my start in photography?

Camera help again (which is a better deal)?

1. Canon 1200D (non-IS) 494.23USD Free SD card, cleaning kit, filter, bag and tripod

2. Nikon D3100 (non-VR) 460.58 Free SD card, cleaning kit, bag and tripod

I know these prices are slightly higher compared to other countries (I'm from the Philippines)

3. There's this D3200 which is priced at 548.20 with Free SD card, cleaning kit, bag and tripod but I feel like I don't really need the added features here (I'm a beginner, and money is an issue too) and I could already buy an instax mini with its added price. Am I missing so much for excluding this from my options?) Help. Thank you.

Read more: Camera help again (which is a better deal)?

Is the Official Nikon MB 200 Grip compatible wid the Nikon D3100 at all?

Is the Official Nikon MB 200 Grip compatible wid the Nikon D3100 at all?

Read more: Is the Official Nikon MB 200 Grip compatible wid the Nikon D3100 at all?