Monday, February 1, 2016

What is your opinion on the Nikon D3300?

What is your opinion on the Nikon D3300?

Read more: What is your opinion on the Nikon D3300?

Best tech knock off sites?

I'm looking to buy myself a really cheap nikon and my budget of $50-$60 isn't moving seeing as how broke I am
I don't care that fakes make you look bad, all I care about is the picture quality, and how long it lasts
Anyone know any good tech knock off sites like fasttech?

Read more: Best tech knock off sites?

Looking for a cheap Nikon d3300?

I'm looking to buy a really cheap Nikon D3300 DSLR Camera, I know it's a lot to ask for a camera of it's style
But I'm a broke high school student who could really really use it
My idea of cheap is about $40 and under
It can be used or new, as long as its in okay condition and works
I could really use a link to something like an ebay auction

Read more: Looking for a cheap Nikon d3300?

Nikon 3100 with kit lens takes nice pictures but blurry videos. Don't know what to do?

Nikon 3100 with kit lens takes nice pictures but blurry videos. Don't know what to do?

Read more: Nikon 3100 with kit lens takes nice pictures but blurry videos. Don't know what to do?

Which 35mm film camera to get? The Nikon F5 or the Nikon F100?

I have a Nikon D5100 DSLR with a 50mm F/1.8G AF-S FX and a
Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 IF ED.

What are your guys take? Should I get a F5 (SLR) which is slightly more $ than an F100 (SLR)?

What are the major differences? What features will work and won t work with the current lenses that I have for my D5100 (DSLR)

I have done some research but I just want to get others opinion. I have had older SLRs but I want a more modern one, and I heard these were the last of the pro 35mm SLRs.

Please and thanks


Read more: Which 35mm film camera to get? The Nikon F5 or the Nikon F100?

Does Nikon V1 provide focus assistance for manual lenses?

Does Nikon V1 provide focus aid like magnified view or edge highlighting when a manual lens (not autofocus lens in manual mode) is attached?

I have a J1, but Nikon firmware intentionally disabled the magnified view if a manual lens is attached or no lens at all. I don't know whether this is also the case in V1.
Added (1). If not, any new 1 series camera that have this feature?

Read more: Does Nikon V1 provide focus assistance for manual lenses?