Sunday, October 21, 2012

(beginner) Buying a dslr soon, a good idea?

Okay so I've done a lot of research and at last I think I'm going to get the Nikon d5100.

At first I wanted a dslr, but then I changed my mind to a mirrorless camera(because I like it's size and convinience) but then people start to change my mind about how it's not good, and personally I don't like the fact that it doesn't has a viewfinder too.So I looked again at dslr.

Now I've finally decided the Nikon d5100
But I'm scared I will end up with feeling lazy and awkward to carry that big, bulky thing to a lot of functions and eventually wasted my money on buying a dslr?

Plus, I'm a kinda shy high school student who is going to college next year, and I'm afraid that if i carry that camera around college next year, i will gain the reputation as a show off or something bad? Am i thinking too much?
Added (1). Oh and another question while we are still on this camera thing

18-105mm lens?

I really can't decide!
>>> (beginner) Buying a dslr soon, a good idea?