Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why is DigitalRev biased towards Canon?

Just a tongue-in-cheek question really!

I've noticed that on DigitalRev's homepage, all three featured cameras are constantly Canons (the 5D MkIII, 650D and 600D at the time of writing this). Plus, all five cameras in the "5 best-selling cameras" feature box are Canons, 4/5 of the "most wished for" lenses are Canons and all five cameras recommended to me are… you guessed it: Canons! I bought A Nikon 7000 body and two Nikkor lenses, so the last one really doesn't make any sense at all!

I'm not losing any sleep over this, but it does amuse me slightly.My only guess would be that they're sponsored?
Added (1). By the way, this wasn't a "I thought Nikon were better than Canon" question. A lot of people here are saying that both brands are as good as each other and it's down to personal opinion. I get that. The question was just to ponder why the site seems biased towards a particular brand, that's all :)
>>> Why is DigitalRev biased towards Canon?