Tuesday, January 1, 2013

External flash set up for nikon D3100?

Hi everyone,
I purchased the nikon d3100 about a year ago and i'm interested in buying an external flash to set up on a stand… I don't know much about this so i'm looking for your insight. What is a good, affordable (under $250) external flash and what products would i need to mount it on a light stand?
I was thinking about buying this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002W3IXZW/?tag=stackoverfl08-20
so I can trigger wirelessly.can the pop up flash on my d3100 be used as the commander?
anyway I saw this post: http://glyndewisblog.com/2010/01/19/the-invisible-black-backdrop-photography-technique/ and it inspired me to look into getting an external flash setup!

any advice is appreciated!
>>> External flash set up for nikon D3100?