Sunday, February 16, 2014

What is the differences between Nikon lens 18 x 300 and 28 x 300?

My fathers birthday is coming up and be really loves taking pictures and Photoshop and stuff. I always love to surprise my family and friends with there birthday gifts so I asked my mother what she thinks would be a good idea. She said he wants a new lens for his Nikon camera. Either the 18 x 300 or the 28 x 300. He is unsure of which he wants.

So I would like to know what the differences between the two lenses are. I mean there is only a a little differences between the size, one 18 the other 28 so what can one do that the other cant and so on like that.
And because I seem to be a little tight for cash at the moment sadly if anyone knows a good price and or maybe some kind of coupons for one that would be great.

I really appreciate this. I am the most horrible researcher ever. So anything anybody knows would be a great help!
Thank you!

Читать далее: What is the differences between Nikon lens 18 x 300 and 28 x 300?