Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What should I do with my old DSLR?

I have a Nikon D3100 that I used to shoot with A LOT I loved it, I have 3 lenses for it, the kit lens, a 55 - 200 and also a 35mm 1.8.

I slowly stopped doing photography as much and now mainly do videography with my Canon t3I which I also own a few lenses for.

Basically my point is, I like videography, so I likely won't ever go back to Nikon. What should I do with my nikon gear?

I was thinking maybe by a lens adapter so I can use my Nikon Lenses on the Canon body?

What should I do with the Nikon body itself? Seems like a waste to have it sit around doing nothing.

Read more: What should I do with my old DSLR?