ok so I just finished a roll of film and I unloaded it out of the camera. I was playing around with the various shutter speeds without any film (I was bored) I undid the back of the camera and noticed that one of the shutter curtains was wonky so I gently prodded it back into place. I then resumed to play around with different shutter speeds but the shutter would not fire at all?! I then tried to advance the "film" but it didn't work?! If my Nikon fa was a computer, I would say that it appears to be frozen. I looked through the view finder and I all could see was black. The LCD screen wasn't working at all. I then took the battery out and placed it back in again. Still not working. I got this camera secondhand from a relative about 2 months ago (they haven't used it in 20 years) I had shot 2 rolls of film but haven't had them developed. My question is: does anyone know what could be wrong with my Nikon fa camera?! I included some pictures of the inside for you to see. Thanks:)
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Nikon FA suddenly broke?! Help?