I want to replace my 10 year old sony SLR with something better quality (in low light conditions)! My main use of the camera is aircraft photography & Traveling pictures.
I am used to using the SLR and I like the versatility of being able to replace the lenses for different uses, however I really like the Super Zoom on bridge cameras, it is perfect for shots of aircraft that fly over my house (10000-20000ft).
My budget is £250 to a absolute maximum of £350. I want to be able to take pictures in low light condition (mostly dusk & early morning), without there being too much noise in the photo. Aircraft photography is a hobby so I want the camera to last me as long as possible without having to replace it as well as producing some high quality images I can post on Flickr and print out. As my last camera was a hand-me-down it was a nice starting point for me but the quality at night lacks, and it has a small zoom.
I found: http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/cameras/digital-cameras/bridge-cameras/panasonic-lumix-dmc-fz72eb-k-bridge-camera-21660641-pdt.html#cat-0 http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/cameras/digital-cameras/dslr-cameras/canon-eos-1200d-dslr-camera-with-18-55-mm-75-300-mm-telephoto-zoom-lens-with-100eg-deluxe-gadget-dslr-camera-bag-8-gb-performance-class-10-sdhc-memory-card-10081816-pdt.html
Read more: Bridge camera vs SLR?