Thursday, December 11, 2014

Should I switch to mirrorless?

Two years ago, I splurged on a Nikon D5200… And then a whole new world opened up to me. I swapped up for a Nikon D7100, and I've been loving it (I know the D5200 and the D7100 have the same sensor… But dang are they different to use).

I own two lenses: a 35mm prime and a 11-16mm superwide. I've achieved great results with both.

But I noticed that I do a lot of indoor or dark photography. It's rare that I'm outside in full sunlight. Compared to full-frame shots, I'm noticing my photos suffering from needing to be at high ISO and low shutter speeds on my crop-sensor.

I'd love a full-frame camera, but I don't have $4000 to spend. On the other hand, $2000 for a full-frame mirrorless with what looks like a decent kit lens sounds very attractive, especially with the phenomenal results I've been seeing with the new A7 Mark II.

And I've also started dabbling in video, and I'm told Nikon (insofar as my D7100 is concerned) is inferior.

My reservation, obviously, is switching to a whole new platform. In addition, my eyesight has somewhat deteriorated and I find viewfinders difficult to use. I rarely produce sharp pictures using viewfinder and manual focus. If I have to use manual focus, I always use live view.

Any thoughts on the matter would be great!

Read more: Should I switch to mirrorless?