Friday, June 12, 2015

Should I make a Facebook photography page of the people of my school?

So I have seen alot of pages like this, for instance: Humans of New York. My friend made a page of his school and it was/is sucessfull till now. I recently shifted to USA, as a Freshman in HighSchool ( About to be over in a day) and I was thinking to start photographing people in my school from sophmore year and write what they tell, probably who are they or something he/she did and was proud. I might make it on Instagram maybe because most of the people in my school dont use facebook. How does this idea sound? Is it lame or its a cool one? Will it work out eventually?

Its my hobby to photograph. I have been doing photography since the last 2 years. Back in my place I used to work for a magazine and My images were posted on their monthly releases, So im Pretty sure I can handle this and bring out beautiful pictures though the lighting conditions are terrible in some rooms. I currently use a Nikon D7100 with VR 18-140mm and two prime lenses, 28mm Wide angle and 50mm normal prime.

Im concerned about safety too because I would probably carry my camera and lenses at least 3 days or more/less a week. As far as I saw, Its safe but there are people who steal stuff from other kids and sell them at a cheap price. They are my classmates and im their friend too, But still I cannot trust them as its been only 3 months on the school. My camera and lens are really really expensive and I would never want to lose them lol.

Anyways thank you for your attention.
Have a nice day:)

Read more: Should I make a Facebook photography page of the people of my school?