Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Help with my Camera Lense and Photography?

1st Problem: My Camera takes good photos when there is natural lighting but when its cloudy the picture lack color and depth is more flat. I try changing the white balance and some times it works sometimes it doesn't because you have to find the perfect spot.

2nd Problem: Lowlight. When ever I try taking lowlight I get super slow focus bad color pictures just does look nice. I try turning up my ISO and lowering the shutter speed but it still doesn't look that good unless you keep it perfectly still on a decent tripod an even then it looks unnatural.anything I can do?

3rd Problem: Most of the pictures I Take lack color I want to take pictures of a flower pedal and a pedal wanting it to look like something in a national geographic magazine it doesn't look quite as good Iooks okay anything I can do to improve on this get a macro Lens? It also effects it when It's cloudy again.

Type of Camera: Nikon D5100


AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G :came with Camera Nikon

AF-S Nikkor 70-300mm 1:4.5-5.6 G: $600 Dollars

What I'm looking for:

1.More Color and Depth when taking pictures in a Cloudy Situation better looking photos

2. Faster and better low light photos minimal noise

3. Clearer more detailed photos

If you could my Email is drummerben04@verizon.net I have a bunch of photos I could send you it be great if you could give your opinion on them on how to make them better. If you can it would be huge help just until I take photography classes someday. Thank You so much!
>>> Help with my Camera Lense and Photography?