Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Are orbital defense plateform possible?

MAC cannon from Halo 1, 2, 3, 4 in other words? maybe we can blow some Grey alien or reptoid mother ships


A standard ship-based MAC fires slugs of either ferric Tungsten or depleted Uranium and aproximately 9.1 meter's long at around 30, 000 meters per second.[2] The high muzzle speed gives the 600-ton slug the kinetic energy and momentum necessary to damage a target and partially mitigates the unguided nature of the slug and its lack of maneuverability. Orbital Defense Platforms fire a 3, 000-ton slug at point four-tenths, or 4% of,[3] the speed of light, around 12, 000 kilometers per second.
Added (1). One thing to add those things gain there energy from a wireless source on the ground kind of like the new tech there researching on wireless recharging.look it up.
>>> Are orbital defense plateform possible?