Thursday, November 1, 2012

What 35mm color film is best for indoors use?

I have a Nikon F3, and I'm a beginner. I used lomography 800 film indoors (Starbucks, and other cafes and dimly lit places), and the pictures came out terrible. They were VERY dark. I was wondering what kinds of COLOR film would work best to my advantage in places that are lit like Starbucks. (It doesn't have to be lomography..) I would also want the pictures to come out a tiny bit grainy if not grainy at all.It would be a plus if you could recommend the aperture, shutter speed, as well as the exposure scale/index. Sorry if this sounds dumb. Beginner… Thanks.
Added (1). I also have no flash.
>>> What 35mm color film is best for indoors use?