Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Which of these two lenses is better for the Nikon D3100?

I just recently got the Nikon D3100 and have the 18-55mm lens. The camera is great, i just am getting a lens for different events. I need to be able to take pictures from long distances, and sports. The 55-200 lens is more expensive, but has auto focus. The 70-300 is cheaper and more distant, but does not have an auto focus. This is my first DSLR camera but I am a fast learner. I just need advice. Which lens would be the best for taking sports and other distant pictures? I don't really know a lot about manual focusing, but I can learn.
The link for the 55-200 is:
The link for the 70-300 is:
Added (1). These lenses fit my budget. I can not get the better versions of these. That being said, I guess the question is if I used the 70-300mm lens with no VR and manual focus, will I be able to take photos of sports and other events just as good as the 55-200mm lens with VR and AF?
>>> Which of these two lenses is better for the Nikon D3100?