Monday, May 6, 2013

I need a cheap SLR-like camera, what is your suggestion?

I am used to do photography with a Nikon d80 camera, with 18-55 and 70-300 3.5, 6. But I have lost this camera and lenses. I want to buy a new camera in budget. I can dedicate 500$ at maximum for purchasing a camera an it's lens.actually I know that it is not that much, but at the moment I cannot cost much more. On the other hand, I cannot live without the camera, I am addicted to do photography. One day I decide to not purchase a camera until I would have a budget of 2000 to 3000 dollar. But this cannot happen soon.

Anyway, I decide to but a camera for landscape, outdoor, nature. I am serious photographer who detail and sharpness is much important for me. I recently found Canon hx50 interesting while cannon G1x catch my eye because of 24-1200 lens capability and big sensor respectively.

I am not sure if these camera can meet my demand.

What is your suggestion ?

См. статью: I need a cheap SLR-like camera, what is your suggestion?