Monday, September 9, 2013

Save for mirrorless, or continue investing in dslrs (Photographers?)?

I'm a little conflicted. I don't know whether i should stop buying lenses/equipment for my dslr. I'm a pro photog. Although it's a little side job and not a full time thing, i'm still worried about the change and what the future will hold for me.

I know right now mirrorless isn't even there yet. Maybe 2-3 years it'll really becomes the standard. I also heard about some photogs who have switched to mirrorless. But i don't think that being a pro photog with a mirrorless is really even possible to pull off right now.

I guess i just want some of your own opinions. Have you considered cutting equipment upgrades and stuff and started to save/sell for mirrorless?

I use canon. I also assume that because it is a new format, that it's not possible to even use dslr lenses without an adapter… so why even buy more lenses and be screwed over(to put it bluntly) and have to start over again. Compared to slr where it was very similar to dslr, and nikon being able to use the film lenses… it just won't be possible this time around imo.

How are you handling all this?


I guess the main reason i'm worried is, i would like to buy a nice $800~ lens but at the same time, maybe buy a Fuji XPro2 (if it comes out in 2014) for a second body upgrade.As well as to use for travel purposes to be discreet etc. The lens is a lot of money for something that might not last too long…

См. статью: Save for mirrorless, or continue investing in dslrs (Photographers?)?