This is gonna sound a little complicated but once you'll get it it's easy to understand.It's about close focusing. Read slowly lol
So I got the lens 18-105 VR for my Nikon D5100. I've realized one thing, it doesn't focus close as the 18-55.
So, on Nikon's website it says that the 18-105 focuses as close "to 1.48 feet." I measured at 18mm how close I can get to focus and I was in focus 12 inches away. (From the tip of the lens) (And I also measured at 105mm and I was 10 inches away!)
>>>>>>How do they get the number "1.48 feet"???<<<<<<<
I'm really considering the 35mm prime lens and it says it focuses 1 foot away. (same with 18-55, it says 1 foot) But what is it ACTUALLY gonna be?!?
>>> Close focusing on DSLR's?