Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What equipment do I need for Flash photography?

OK, I have a Nikon D3000, a NIKON SB 910 and a NISSIN di622.

Let's just focus on my SB 910.
I want to be able to take photos with my flash being off camera and my built-in flash NOT working ('cause I know there is a way to make the flash work when the built-in flashes).

Which means (as fas as I know) that I need three things:
1. A flash trigger (this is what it's called right? http://www.photoanswers.co.uk/upload/9344/images/Flash%20trigger.jpg)
2. A flash stand image
and a
3. Flash shoe (image)

Here are my questions:
Are all these the same for all flashes? Or do I need to buy for ex.a specific flash trigger for my nikon sb910 and a specific shoe for it?
Do I need anything else?
>>> What equipment do I need for Flash photography?