I like that the sensor is largest on the g1x meaning better image quality for the most part, it is also a bit large and lacks macro capabilities. The G16 does not have a flip out screen or large sensor, but is faster than the G1x in terms of autofocus. The p7800 has the flip out screen and takes better macro. My main concerns are the macro capabilities, image quality, and flip out screens. I am planning on buying used (or new), so I don't plan on spending much more than 400. Which camera would be best for my concerns and is there any other cameras that would meet my criteria with image quality of the G1X, speed of the g16, and macro of the p7800? I've looked at the g1x mark ii (Which I think is perfect), but can't find it in my price range.
Read more: Which is most reasonable to get? Canon G1x, Nikon p7800, or Canon G16?