Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New DSLR - Which One?

I've been with Canon for a while now.My Canon 550D just died on me and I'm looking for a replacement. I went into my local camera store and was amazed at the various DSLR's they had. Some from Sony and a couple from Nikon. Especially the Nikon cameras seemed to have a lot of power under the hood for the price. Something like 24mpx compared to the same priced Canon cameras which had half of that.

I'm looking to get the Canon 650D, but I'm open to suggestions. What would be the best "camera for the buck" to get?
Added (1). @Jim, by "died" I mean it died.It was a factory fault and I had the choice of either getting the same camera or getting cash. I chose cash as I'm wanting to try something different.

@Keerok, I know the difference between Canon models. They're the ones I'm most familiar with. But when I visited the local camera shop, I saw several models and makes ranging from Canon, Pentax, Nikon and a slew of others.

I'm looking for some advice to which camera (doesn't matter brand) that gives you the most "bang for the buck". I enjoy Canon cameras and always have. But I'd like to try something different for the sake of it.
>>> New DSLR - Which One?