Friday, November 2, 2012

About DSLR camera kits?

Okay so I'm really young, really really young. Buying a professional camera has been a dream since I was a little kid, I always liked taking pictures.My Best friend told me a few days ago that she might buy one. I thought about it for the past few days and I did a tad bit of research and I found a man selling a Nikon D40 for a thousand and a half where I live and I can't find a way of telling my mother about this.My mother was never the understanding type. She would probably say no before knowing what I actually want. I just want her to pay about 800 only, which isn't too much considering where I live and this is going to be my next birthday gift and I don't have any way of making money because I'm not old enough to work, I got the money I have from my family in holidays, they give me money for my birthday and I saved the money since I was little. The real question is, how can I tell her about this and are there better and cheaper cameras out there than the Nikon D40? Thank you.
Added (1). A thousand and a half is about $400 .And I just want my mother to pay me about $200.
>>> About DSLR camera kits?