Friday, September 21, 2012

This weird guy approached us in the park?

He was overweight in a black wife beater and blue jean cut off shorts in sunglasses over regular glasses. He said he was an aspiring photographer and wanted to take pictures of my girlfriend while we were studying and her standing up and sitting on a bench, normal pictures from different distances and angles.My girlfriend looked at them and she said they looked decent. We are weirded out though. He was really shaky and lied to us. He said he was going to take more nature pictures in the park but he instead drove out of the park immediately afterwards. Also his camera was a small Nikon or something, not a legit photography camera. He was sketchy. We are in college btw, 18 and 19. What should I have done? We were both weirded out afterwards and told the university police and bought some mace for my girlfriend. We live together, so I would be here if he was a creep and followed her. What are some opinions on this? She was sort of uncomfortable because she was wearing shorts.
>>> This weird guy approached us in the park?