Well I had my d7000 and 35mm 1.8 lens and I was happy with it until the d7000 got a shutter failure. It would cost a lot to fix, and I don't know if the sensor got damaged too, PLUS it would probably fail again anyway… I don't really know what to do with the broken d7000 BUT the 35mm lens is almost brand new so I could sell it. I was looking on craigslist and I found someone selling a Pentax K1000 with a 50mm lens in "nearly new condition". If I sell my lens I can definitely afford it (it's $75). Is it worth it? I never used a film slr before so I want to try it. Plus I would like to get a sony a7s in the future so I guess I could use the pentax lens with an adapter. I also don't really want to sell my 35mm lens because my brother has a d3100 and I can use it sometimes…
So yea, should i sell my 35mm 1.8 lens for a pentax k1000 with 50mm lens?
Is shooting with film worth it anymore?
I really don't have $75 dollars to be wasting unless I sell my lens.
Read more: Should I sell my Nikon lens for money to buy a pentax k1000 with 50mm lens?